Are you looking for a better nursing job in Ireland? The Republic of Ireland has become a popular immigration destination in the last decade. It is a nice place to live and work due to its strong economy and immigration system. Thus, makes it easy for highly skilled foreigners to work in the country. Here are some of the best reasons to move to Ireland and pursue a career as a nurse.
Ireland is noted for its friendliness and welcoming atmosphere. Ireland takes pride in its diversity. Foreigners are regarded as important contributors to Ireland's development and vibrant culture.
Competitive Salary
In Ireland, the average nurse pay is € 44,071 per year or € 22.60 per hour. The starting salary for entry-level nurses is € 37 521 per year, with most experienced individuals earning up to € 54 465 per year.
Newly qualified staff nurses working in the public sector (the HSE) have the lowest salaries. While those working in the private sector have the highest salaries, according to the NMBI (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Ireland).
High Demand For Nurses
According to a report provided by the Irish Nurses and Midwives Organization, there are around 1,3000 nurse and midwifery vacancies in acute hospitals that need to be filled. There is a serious shortage of nurses and allied healthcare personnel in the western world. The reason for this current problem is the scarcity and turnover of experienced and trained nurses, not only in the region but also globally. Around the world, there is a mismatch between the availability of trained workers and expanding healthcare demands.
Increasing economic growth
The increasing economy of Ireland has resulted in higher living standards and a higher quality of life for both inhabitants and citizens. In the past, Ireland has faced several adversities and various recessions. Ireland, on the other hand, has not only survived but thrived as a result of those events.
Ireland was placed 8th out of 103 nations by the World Economic Forum in 2018 across 11 indicators of economic advancement. Dublin, Ireland's capital, has been instrumental in this accomplishment. Dublin, which is home to some of the world's top multinational corporations, has had exceptional GDP growth in the last ten years.
Healthcare System
Ireland's healthcare system is well-developed and sponsored by the government. A person is considered an 'ordinary resident' by the HSE if they have lived in Ireland for at least one year. For health services, they are eligible for either full eligibility or limited eligibility.
Many Places To Visit
In Ireland, tourist attractions and places to visit abound, and they are endlessly different. All of the state museums are free, heritage sites date back to prehistory, and there are many outdoor activities to enjoy across the country, including horseback riding, golf, sailing, and exploring the numerous distant, untamed islands.
Ireland is the Eurozone's only English-speaking country, with many of the world's best high-performance hospitals and clinics. Surely, you'll grow to love this beautiful country.
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