15 Effective Tips On How To Pass The PRC Board Of Nursing Exam


Are you taking the next PRC Board Of Nursing Exam? Here are 15 simple yet effective tips on how to pass the test on the first try.

Practice Taking The Exam

With 1NURSE Free NLE Review App you can practice real-exam questions with rationales. Practicing taking examinations is a good approach to reduce your nervousness. Mock exams are an actual reflection on what will happen on the big day. It calms the nerve especially since examiners are under timed conditions. Moreover, it is a wonderful opportunity to learn from your mistakes. You’ll realize where you’re good at and what areas you need to improve on. Additionally, there are nursing flashcards that you can use to effectively review important nursing information. 

Organize your study area

Being organized is a healthy practice. It helps you focus on studying activities. Remember that clutter limits your productivity. When you are studying for the local Nursing board you need to be in a stress-free environment. This way, you’ll be able to absorb the lessons and concepts that you are studying.

Create A Study Schedule

A study schedule is a systematic way to plan out your daily activities. These include your study periods, classes, and ADLS (eating, sleeping, exercising), and socializing with your friends. The study guide will help you focus and prioritize on what is important and not. At the same time, you can plan other activities outside your important studies.

Avoid Cramming For The Exams

Make the most of your study time. Do not wait until the last minute to hit the books. Your future career depends on whether you’ll pass the exam. Having that said, you need to be serious in studying. Learn to say no when friends invite you to movies or other activities that will break your studying schedule. Follow your study guide. Good time management and consistent study habits are the best approaches to any exam.

Self And Group Studies

What is a learning style? What style works for you best? If you are more of the lone wolf type, you’ll probably do better with self-studying. On the other hand, it is also good to have study groups. Group Study is more effective in understanding difficult concepts and solving tough problems. Likewise, studying with your peers can help build motivation and confidence. You learn from others and other people learn from you as well.

Go Back To The Basics

What does it mean to return to the fundamentals? To completely comprehend the subject content, you must first learn the fundamental ideas. You must return to your anatomy and physiology notes in order to comprehend human diseases. Review and revisit the human body’s parts, systems, and functions. When studying difficult subjects like pathophysiology, you'll discover how crucial fundamental principles are.

Determine Your Strong And Weak Subjects

What subjects do you excel at and where do you struggle? Even if you think you're good at everything, you'll have areas where you need to improve. And if you think you're terrible at everything, you’ll need to be serious and concentrate on your studies. Request that your lecturers spend some time with you. Since they are part of your success, they’ll be more than happy to help you out.

Use Visual Arts And Concept Maps

Although they can aid any type of learner, concept maps are especially useful for students who learn best visually. Concept maps are effective study tools. They can help you grasp the big picture by starting with higher-level concepts. And then chunking information based on significant relationships.

Take Down Notes

Why take notes if you have modern gadgets like the latest phones and laptops? Students who take detailed notes can go back over them later to examine key points, recollect important details, reinforce information, and research concepts. Taking notes in class, , can help maintain your focus especially in a distracting situation or environment.

Motivate Yourself

Look at your goal to keep you motivated while you're bored. In front of your study space, post an encouraging quote. This statement will motivate you regularly and will never make you feel sluggish when studying and sticking to your schedule.

Learn How To Cope With Stress

Exam anxiety is normal; in fact, a small amount of stress can serve as a positive motivator. However, consuming too much of it can hurt your performance. So take frequent pauses, exercise daily, and relax with friends. Take a break from the books if you start to feel frustrated or overwhelmed.

Snack On Brain Foods

Now you can apply what you've learned during Nutrition class during your test preparation. Berries, citrus fruits, almonds, eggs, and avocados have been linked to increased brain function and are ideal options for students who are preparing to take an exam.

Take Regular Breaks

Some studies show that taking a break to relax and rejuvenate is critical to productivity and success. You are not a robot, your body needs to rest too. Taking regular breaks can help you stay focused and combat study tiredness. Allowing yourself to take regular breaks can help clear your mind and increase your focus.

Pray And Believe

Exams may be a very stressful and tense experience. Praying can provide you with the strength and power you need to overcome obstacles. Every day take time to pause and reflect. It will greatly help you with your studying journey.

Practice Test-Taking Strategies

Many students use smart test-taking tactics during their mock exam and even on the real test. What exactly are these? Examples of test taking strategies are thoroughly reading each question and ensuring that you follow the directions carefully. Another method is to start by answering the questions in your head and then eliminating all of the incorrect answers.

There's an old adage that says if you don't plan, you plan to fail. In order to pass the coveted PRC Board Of Nursing Exam, you must plan beforehand. These tips will help you ace the Philippine Nursing Board exam with ease. Don't be afraid to try out some of these ideas!

Here are the list of requirements in applying for the nursing board exam: https://www.prc.gov.ph/requirements/nurse

Study now to pass your nursing board exam! Click here: 1NURSE Free NLE Review


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