Advice For New Nurses: Avoiding Gossip And Negativity At Work

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The career of a nurse can suffer if they engage in workplace gossip. You are excited to meet new people as a brand-new nurse and carve out a niche for yourself at work. When given the option to interact with "talkative" coworkers, many people seize the opportunity, frequently mistaking their tendency to offer information for friendliness. As a new nurse, you can avoid getting a reputation as gossip by taking a few precautions. This reputation could potentially follow you throughout your nursing career.

Make it a point not to spread any bad rumors.
It is in our nature to be curious about workplace gossip. People are curious about the inside information about other people's lives, which is why there are several gossip magazines in the grocery checkout lines. A significant challenge is resisting the impulse to indulge in gossip. To begin, remind yourself that you will not participate in gossiping.

Never express your frustration to someone you don't completely trust.
Giving an "in" to someone you don't know well is the quickest way to get drawn into an uncomfortable conversation with a coworker who makes you anxious after the fact. You become a complicit party when you start talking about people at work, a rumor you heard about someone in your department or the progress of your most recent job search. This gives your chatty coworker the chance to use you as a source or, worse yet, spread your own personal information throughout the workplace.

Don't broadcast the information you hear. 
Even if you follow the measures above and make an effort not to participate in workplace gossip, there will inevitably be moments when you find out something about a different employee at your organization. You might receive an email from someone or overhear a conversation between two employees in the break room. Do not repeat what you hear and stay away from the negativity. Simply said, it's not worth it. Think about saying the rumor that your boss was arrested for DUI when it wasn't true. Your job might be in jeopardy if the employer learns that you spread the rumor.

Avoid the rumor monger.
Although it may seem simple to some, we occasionally forget that we have the power to physically seek to steer clear of environments (and people) that encourage this kind of behavior. Although it can be challenging to stop workplace rumors, you can control how you respond to them. Take the appropriate steps to interact with that person as little as possible if you notice one person who always causes difficulties. As much as you can, stay away from a gossip.

Know the Gossip Policy at Work
You have a responsibility as a new nurse to be aware of and familiar with workplace rules. The majority of institutions have put measures in place to shield workers against harassment at work. Remember that an at-work gossip is a form of harassment. Therefore, you have a range of possibilities to put an end to it. A written or verbal warning is an option. Or, if the circumstance calls for it, you can start disciplinary action.

Workplace gossip is regarded as a factor in the hostile work environment. Depending on the circumstance, engaging in gossip could result in disciplinary action or even legal action. Many seasoned workers enjoy offering a ton of advice to novice nurses. When someone approaches you with "useful" information, use your discretion. Refuse to participate in talks you know are gossipy. Keep in mind that you are building your reputation as a reliable employee in addition to a skilled nurse.

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