Find your qualified talents

How it works?


Create your
free account
Register with your email to begin creating job posts effortlessly.


Create your
job ad
Add your company profile, job description, mention specific requirements and specializations.


your job
Your job posts remain listed for 60 days. Make quicker decisions with our smart application tracking system. Find the right talent fast!


Find your
Access updated and verified resumes, refine your search, view CVs before downloading, and hire the right talents efficiently.
Our software advertises and sources relevant and experienced candidates so your recruiters have more time to interview, collaborate with hiring managers, and close candidates.

Easy job posting with
dedicated healthcare database

Job advertisements are focused to only healthcare education, classifications, certifications, and licenses.

Review and decide
in less than a minute

Our candidate profile is displayed with relevant information for recruiters to make a decision quickly and efficiently.

Smart and intelligent tool
to make hiring faster

Our ATS allows you to select or reject a candidate with a press of a button without having to write a lengthy email.
Reduce recruiting works
We have various support systems for you in order to make your recruiting easier.
We make you focus more time on having quality conversations to select the best-fit candidates!

Recruitment support

We know recruiting is a challenging job and getting the right fit is not easy. 1NURSE customer support team is experienced in researching and selecting the best candidates. We do support our customers with this service.

Designed for healthcare

1NURSE is a smart and intelligent application. Detailed research and precise information have been added to meet the need, and the demand for healthcare professionals. Speak to our customer support and see how it works.

Start your hiring journey with us today.
Unlock your free account and start connecting with qualified talents now!